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WTO Agreements

Trade Associations
Medical Equipment
From Chile
To Argentina
233 views / 0 experts
Raymond Y.
Oct 14, 2020

How do I find out which WTO Agreements concern my business?

1 answer

David W.
Oct 14, 2020

Practically all products and markets are affected by one or several of the WTO Agreements, at least for WTO member countries. Progressive liberalization of trade through successive negotiations has led to lower (or zero) import duties, and thus increased export opportunities, especially in developed country markets. It has also created greater predictability of market access by "binding" reduced (or zero) tariff rates.

Most governments impose technical regulations or standards on (domestic and imported) products to protect human, animal or plant life or health, as well as the environment. The Agreements on Technical Barriers to Trade and on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures ensure that such requirements do not create unnecessary obstacles to international trade and provide certain rights to exporters. It is up to each exporter to find out about such requirements in the relevant foreign markets.

National enquiry points, which WTO members are required to set up in their countries under certain WTO Agreements, can provide information on national laws and regulations that affect your business. Enquiry points are usually ministries of trade, agriculture or national standardization institutes.

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