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Challenges Faced by The Freight Forwarders in Ghana
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Challenges Faced by The Freight Forwarders in Ghana


The recent coronavirus pandemic has shaken the shipping industry of many economies, with Ghana being no exception. Many Ghanian stakeholders like freight forwarders are struggling to make adjustments and deal with these changes. Here are some of the main difficulties they are currently facing to survive.

The Major Challenges Facing Ghanaian Freight Forwarders

Technology Implementation

The developing nature of the Ghanaian economy has stifled many opportunities in the shipping sector of the country. Despite the recent advancements in technology across the world, the rate of implementation of the latest technology in Ghana is still too slow to keep up with the difficulties freight forwarders have to face daily. Process optimization and tracking tools are just some of the challenges they are currently facing.

Global Economy

The changes in the global economy have never been as evident as they were in recent months. Freight forwarders today need to face and overcome issues such as inflation, trade wars, sanctions, and the rising cost of shipping. However, despite such economical changes, maintaining a reliable supply chain still falls within the responsibilities of the shippers.

Local and International Regulations

The restrictions of local and international regulations have severely affected the operation of freight forwarders in the country. There have been appeals to authorities at the national level to institute some reforms in the laws and regulations governing the transport of cargo between different countries. However, there’s still a long way to go, and until then, these challenges are major hindrances to opportunities in the shipping industry.


Environmental Issues

Oil spills, fuel emissions, and wildlife interactions have led to several environmental problems as well. Thus, world leaders are implementing changes in an attempt to curb greenhouse emissions. This initiative has affected trade and manufacturing in many parts of the world, and shippers are now being pushed to figure out more environmentally-friendly ways to transport goods.

Fuel Costs

Because the shipping industry relies heavily on transportation, fluctuations in fuel prices directly affect the industry. Thus, Ghanian freight forwarders are faced with the challenge of streamlining the process to cut back on fuel expenses. One possible solution is using drayage services, which offer various ways to reduce fuel costs.

Customer Service

Dealing with partners from different nations, economies, and financial backgrounds also presents a unique set of problems. Shippers do not always get the best experience from doing business with customers abroad for many reasons. Hence, maintaining good relations and providing services that meet expectations can be elusive, which is another challenge for freight forwarders.

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